Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sometimes I do act my age

My mother in law has been staying with us since the past 2 weeks ever since a heated argument with my father in law who said some really unforgivable things to her. And the amazing part? I actually have not lost my sanity. She has stayed with us before, for a week I think was the longest, that was about 3-4 years ago and I remember almost losing my mind back then because we just have different ways of doing things and I kept getting constantly annoyed at her rearranging of my house, the garden etc. But now? I don't know if it's because I'm older and if not wiser, am more patient or because my daughter rearranges the house anyway or perhaps because as of late I've been a counsel/counsellor for clients with all sorts of messy marital problems, but it's actually been okay having my mom-in-law around. And guess what? In addition to her staying with us for possibly in perpetuity if my father in law doesn't come up with a good apology plan, the three of us and Amani are all going on holiday together this coming long Labour Day-weekend! And we're all going to stay in the same room. Am I an adult or what? I feel all very zen-like and mature..hehe..perasan!


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