Sunday, January 24, 2010

Birds of the same feather

I don't know if it's coincidence or selective perception but it sometimes seems that when you're going through something or longing for something, you keep bumping into people who are either in the same boat or have what you long for in spades.

When I was struggling to get pregnant, I kept bumping into a seemingly endless conveyor belt of pregnant friends and now as I am going through some, hmm, how can I put this delicately, non-self imposed "drought", I keep meeting old friends who surprisingly are having the same "drought" issues with their spouses. Last Friday I had a very enjoyable lunch with an old colleague who I used to work with but had lost touch for about 7 years when we both left the said firm and after exchanging stories about what had happened to us since then, we somehow found ourselves talking about relationships, first in general, and then gradually to our own and here is the thing I enjoy most about being in your 30s - you don't give a crap anymore and can be totally, embarassingly, -no-holds-barred-even-too-much-information-on-bodily-functions honest and wholly candid especially when talking with an old friend. And so our original lunch hour reunion turned longer and longer as for the first time I believe, we really talked with one another, deeply and honestly, about what's up or rather not up, in our lives. And it was so relieving and comforting to really let it all out and share with someone who knew exactly what I am going through. We didn't solve anything, we didn't resolve anything, but it felt good. Really good. And as I am beginning to learn as I head towards the inevitable path to 40, life is not about the destination (goodbye "I shall be a millionaire by the time I turned 30" which never happened) but about good moments with good friends and loved ones along the way. And you can't get more Hallmark than that.


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