zebra ku lari/terbang gagah berani
Two weekends ago pergi main layang2 kat Taman Layang-layang somewhere in Kepong ke mana. We went from my mother in law's place in Gombak together with my brother in law and sister in law and Amani's cousin, Insyirah.
Seperti biasa mak bapak yang lebih excited nak main kite tu. The best part about this taman is that it's so much easier to fly a kite there as it's windy most of the time. Last month when we were in Terengganu, Amani and I had gotten kites, mickey mouse for her and a zebra for me (yet another example of mak yang over excited) but other than flying it on the beach when we were there, we haven't been able to fly the kites since. So when Yannie aka Makchu mentioned they were going to fly kites, we quickly menumpang tanpa segan silu.
Eksyen & over sangat,
last-last kite zebra ku yang
layang melayang tinggi dgn megah,
akhirnya kena pau dengan taiko danau kota sambil hisap rokok biskut bersalut coklat dgn selamba.......
that looks like so much fun!.. errr.. mcm mana kau buleh kena pau dgn budak kecik?
ahahahaha, dia yang perlu kata "mak lang cantik" je terus aku cair.....
*hanya not yang
hehehehe! biasa la taiko mmg terer cantas kite org
ahahaha,hanya perlu buat aksi2 cute je,takpun aksi tarik rambut je.
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