I Am Such a Sucker
I am such a sucker for all these get-rich-quick schemes. At my age, I should be old (and wise?) enough to know that there is no such thing as an easy get rich scheme. Yet, time and time again I am drawn to these programs.
My latest adventure was attending a preview of one such event last week at the JW Marriott... Granted it was an official thingy, coz my boss got one of their emails and thought that it was a marketing course and told me to go check it out. I knew from the start that it was one of those internet marketing thingy, but hey, I get to go out of the office, plus I get to window shop at BB / Sg. Wang, if only for about 30 minutes.
So there I was at the preview with my immediate boss. As expected, there was this usual hype about how easy it is to make money on the internet. The steps are so simple, that you can do it in your sleep, yadidadidadida.. So for a limited time, they are offering a chance to be coached by the Guru of all Guru, who will be ensure that participants will make millions in nanoseconds. Oh btw, the program would cost RM5,000, because even though the founder of the program is a gazzillionaire, he still needs the money to run the course, and to weed out the serious marketeer from the other parasites. But out of the goodness of his heart, if we were to sign up on the preview day itself, he would slash down the price to RM1,998. Plus, if we were one of the first 20 participant to sign up, we get to bring another friend for FREE! Plus we will be entitled to gazillion more freebies that if we were to purchase ourselves, would cost us millions of dollars yadidadidadia..
Sigh, the pitch was not much different from the e-books that I have bought on the subject (trust me, I have obtained quite a few in my time!), and wasnt really convinced, but my boss was kinda green (a.k.a a virgin sucker) in this field. So he was taken by the presenter's charm and pitch. So taken, that he practically ran up to me asking me whether I want to join the course.
Now, of course I would want to! (Reminder : I AM A BIG SUCKER!) I've always wanted to join these programs, but I was not about to pay RM1,998 to be suckered again! Mr Boss said that we'll get the company to fork the bill. He will pay for the course first, and claim from the company later. Pucuk dicita ulam mendatang! Of course lah I want.
So I will be attending the "Unleash Your Marketing Genius - UYMG" by Stephen Pierce in September at KLCC. I dont expect much, but I hope to be surprised..
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