Monday, June 11, 2007

whining again about being fat but not really doing much about it

I'm getting fatter again.

This time last year I was breastfeeding full time and still adjusting to taking care of a baby, often not having the time or energy to eat. Now, as queen of multitasking, I'm fully able to feed/play/entertain/sing silly songs/doing silly dances/etc for my little girl all while stuffing my face-not just with my own food but from her leftovers or food which she's dropped on the floor that I can't be arsed to walk to the kitchen to throw away. I know it's disgusting but then I'm used to dealing with disgusting these days.

And to think I was almost getting thinner not too long ago until my stint in the hospital which cut short the whole calorie-burning-more-effective-than-any-exercise breastfeeding thing I had going on..sigh

My new so-called exercise plan is to walk to the park with my daughter every day which I've been doing so far except when it rains..but i don't really think it qualifies as exercise as I'm not so much walking as I am just strolling along, holding on to Amani's hand and watching with amusement at the joggers coming at me with their red sweaty faces. I know they'll have the last laugh but for the moment, I might as well enjoy making fun of them in my head.


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