Little sponges
There are some things that I consciously try to instil in Amani or teach her - say please and thank you, don't be mean to animals (ok, at the moment since she's hardly two years old so the only animal she comes most in contact with is our neighbour's cat so it's more of a "don't pull the cat's tail" kind of lesson for now), love of books (which she does - not so much "reading" it but the rustling of the pages as she flips them), songs & rhymes etc. But other than buying some childrens' books about stories from the Quran and singing "alif, ba, ta" or Raihan songs with her, I haven't really taught - if that is the right word for it - her anything religious-wise because as I said she's not even two, how do I even begin to explain the concept of God to her, so my focus is more on the 'be kind to others and don't you dare throw that toy at that kid' type of lessons. So it was somewhat of a shock the other day when suddenly she stood up in front of me as we were just hanging out in the bedroom and pretended to 'pray' - with sujud, rukuk, siap mulut kumat-kamit lagi. I have no idea where she picked that up other than from just watching her dad or me pray. I just sat there and watched her in awe...and then awe turned into fear. My God, my daughter is a sponge. My God, I have to set a good example for her. Just when I thought I was getting the hang of this parenting thing - the feeding, the changing, the singing of the same nursery song over and over and over again for hours, the keeping of my patience at the tantrums and whinings - it smacks me back in the face saying "Hah - don't even think you've even remotely mastered being a mommy!" and throws me the added pressure of having to be a good role model for my daughter lest I screw up her life forever. Yes, that's one of my greatest fear as a parent - that anything I do or say or not do or say will mess up her life and it will all be my fault.
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