Monday, October 22, 2007

I Am Such A Sucker - Part Deux

This is an update to my earlier post - I Am Such A Sucker.

I went to the Unleash Your Marketing Genius (UYMG) seminar. I listened to all the hoopla. I did all the exercises. I even paid to get my own domain! Yet I am back at sqaure one. UYMG taught me already knew. What it did NOT teach me are the intricacies of internet marketing. They told me to succeed in internet marketing, you need to build a mailing list. Fine, I knew that. What they did not tell me is how the hell do I build that list?? Sure they said that you need content, to post on forums, to advertise bla bla bla to drive traffic to my site so that people will sign up to be on my mailing list. But they did NOT tell me how the hell do I actually draw those tiny boxes for people to input their email addresses, and when people input their address, where the hell are the addresses stored, and how on earth do I send newsletters to these people? Damn.. apparently it involves some .php, MySQL and other acronyms that I do not know stands for what. And if I really want to know, I have to sign up for anpother course, pay another few thousand dollars, and get suckered again.

What I was surprised at was that there was plenty of people willing to part with up to RM10 grand to join these programs. The apex of the seminar was the "Become A Consultant" program that cost RM35,000 to join!! And 25 people actually signed up on the spot!! Damn.. where do these people come from??

Sheesh.. since I've already bought a domain name and space, I might as well find out how to do that damn thing. Right now I am still trying to find out how auto responder works.

Anyone out there willing to be a mentor to a somewhat sceptical internet marketeer wannabe?

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