Hoarder Hoarder
Had to do a little bit of moving over the weekend. Landlord decided that he wanted to do a major renovation in the house I was renting, so we had to vacate the house to a temporary one while the works are going on.
God it was tiring! I didn't realize I had so much crap kept in the house! Apart from boxes and boxes and boxes of books, the other biggest group of stuff I had was crap! And I blame it on my hoarder personality. I just can't bring myself to throw anything away. Over the course of almost 14 years of marriage, I must have moved 4 times. And back and forth, I lug my crap from one house to another just because I just can't throw anything away. (Oh wait! I might need that 20 year old restaurant receipt for effing knows what!)
Sheeeshhh.. Now I am having a crappy Monday coz I am tired of hauling all those boxes and bags. I don't know where my stuff are coz we havent unpacked. I had to bunk at my parents' place coz I cant even see the floor of the new place. And I have a whole lot of things that need to be done today, which should have been done last week. Procrastinator hoarder.
So this crabby makcik is set to face another crabby week! Waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
Ecah, take me awaayyy!!! Lets become Ellen and Portia, then we can run away together! Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Are u on leave this week or at least friday? Come, i take u out for spa session.
I know what u mean re:crap, as soon as we throw smthg away, mesti soon after we need it! Then we kick ourselves 4 throw'g it away! Just thot of an idea, why not get a waterproof bekas and bury the crap ala treasure hunt, then tak menyemak rumah. Kalau bury in ur parents' lawn tak payah dig out if pindah. Heck, i'm going to do that this weekend! Hehehehe.
Even doing an ellen portia pun kena berusaha n i am soooo malas, lets do a homer simpson nak? Eat lots depan tv...
Semalam after getting back from a meeting i went home sekejap instead of straight to ofis n it was just so peaceful n lovely to be by myself for an hour just reading on the bed...bliss gila, then of coz reality check as had to go back to work
Procrastinator hoarder, the new super hero!! No job too big to wait, no crap too small to keep fooooooooor THE PROCRASTINATOR HOOOOOARDEEEEEEEERRRRRR
Cant get off ths week la darling, though I really really need a girly time out.. and i stil havent sang happy besday to you!!! huhuhu.. have to settle my "anak-anak buah" punya performance appraisal and tonnes of other things that this procrastinator procrastinated until the very last minute.
Or perhaps lets just ignore everyone's appraisal.. pas tu sumer orang dlm team aku tak dapat bonus. mesti aku kena sumpah 7 keturunan!
I so have to clean up the new place, and I am so malas!!!
tak pun everybody gets good appraisal and everybody dapat bonus...yaaaaay, jom makaaaan...ahahahahah
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