Ramadhan has almost come to its mid mark, and it has not come without challenges this year. With no maid, iftar and sahur is a daily challenge. The hubby wasn't around the first week, so we bunked in at Mom's. Over there, every day is like a buka puasa buffet, lasting till almost 8.30 p.m. I wouldn't mind the lots of food, but then there will be lots of dirty dishes to clear following that. And sahur is no different. Waking up at 4 a.m., sahur would last until 6 a.m., from preparation to actual eating and the cleaning up. By which time, it will already be time to do the laundry, send Sarah to school and go to work. And to top it all off, that was also the week a gazillion things were due at the office. So after iftar, had to work till late to get things done. Was actually in zombie mode that entire week, getting by with only 2 - 3 hours of sleep every day.
With the hubby already back, things are considerably easier. Found short cuts to do things. After iftar at Mom's, we'll go back to our place where I'll cook simple dishes for sahur. Wake the troop up at 4, they'll be done by 4.20. Washing up up done by 4.30. Yeay! A little bit more time for me to catch some sleep.
But this year's Ramadhan is also very blessed. It's Danish's first attempt at fasting, and he has been superb, has not missed out a single day yet. This despite most of his classmates not fasting. Really considerate of his teacher to put him in another room during snack times.
And last weekend, we broke fast at Sunway Hotel's Atrium. Good spread, although a little pricey. Caught the midnight show of Dark Knight Rises. Good show. Although Danish slept through the entire show. Tapau'd sahur on the way back, and it was a pretty enjoyable night.
Happy Ramadhan dear..
Hope things have settled down for you at work as well, selamat berpuasa to you too! My daily schedule pun ber terabuh with the sleeping times, kena tidur awal utk bgn awal to prepare and eat sahur tapi byk giler things to do before tidur.
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