Friday, September 14, 2012

makcik blabberings

Today especially my body feels old and creaky. Yes, I eat a lot. Yes, I do not exercise regularly/at all unless you count walking to Daun across the office for lunch as exercise. When I woke up this morning I actually thought about going to KLCC with Amani to see if we could catch a glimpse of Kate & William at KLCC Park, she's been hooked into the whole royalty mania ever since we watched the royal wedding. But the practical/lazy? makcik in me told myself it was too much hassle of getting there early by car or LRT and queueing or jossling with the crowd just to try and catch a sight of two people whose photos I would be able to see later anyway on facebook. So I rolled over and went back to sleep. A part of me now wishes I had gone through with my foolish kiasu takde life plan..anyway, bygones. Am just having the blahs..with no good reason. It's the eve of a long weekend so I have no reason to be feeling blah...I guess I really should start exercising, if not for the losing calories bit but for the endorphins, it's been a slightly long bout of blahs lately...sigh, maybe I'll start with walking in kiara park after work. After lunch just now, I walked about Hartamas Shopping Centre looking at nothing in particular, stopped by SenQ and fiddled about with the new ipad on display, got bored of it after 2 minutes - I am such an anti-tech fuddy duddy then went to the small pets stall and spent the next 30 mins looking at each and every pet for sale, the parakeets and hamsters, the poor lonely tortoise and crab, thinking to myself I wouldn't know what to do with a pet crab except eat it, stared back at the lizards and geckos who were ignoring the live insects in their glass cages, freaked myself out watching the newts - I am okay with snakes, I am okay with lizards but put them together in the body of a newt and I get all geli gelemang.... anyway, it's been that kind of afternoon.


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