Zoo Negara, woo hoo!!
Woke up last Saturday morning to what I thought would be a hazy cloudy day and decided to bring the kids to the zoo. The last time we went was probably a year ago on Yusuf's birthday. Of course by the time we were all ready to leave, it started to get hot and when we arrived at the zoo sometime around 11am, the sun was blazing in the sky. Surprisingly my parents had decided to join us at the zoo instead of later for lunch or tea, a decision I'm sure they began to regret as soon as the lovely zoo smell in the heat of the day hit us, tapi cucu punya pasal, takpe sanggup! Ramai betul orang & rombongan sekolah lagi of all ages, taska, tadika, budak sekolah kecik & besar, rombongan sekolah OKU, berbilang bangsa, memang 1Malaysia all sweating together as we went from animal to animal. For our smaller kids, the main attraction was of course the bigger animals that they could see, primarily the elephants, especially as you could feed them with bamboo (@RM3 per bamboo stick). Sampai ke tu Amani? Kesian gajah kena stretch. Ni lagilah, nampak macam nak tergelincir gajah ni ke dalam longkang. AKHIRNYA....dapat jugak gajah tu makan... Species ice cream baru - berkulit macam kulit pisang, sehingga stok masih ada, di zoo sahaja! Acara wajib - posing2 gediks And also: Upacara membully Atok & Nenek: In the end, the whining kids ("panas", "haus", "penat") and adults ("lama lagi ke?", "naik tram je tak boleh ke?") got to
Lepas ni jom kita cuti cuti Malaysia kat Melaka.. ada mini Malaysia, ada Zoo, ada Taman Buaya. Amacam? Rasa rasa kita larat tak with 5 whiny kids in tow?
And by the way, that's sugar cane lah.. bukan bamboo kan? Gajah makan buluh ke? kekekeke
a'ah sugarcane lah!!! nampak sgt aku fail science! ahahahaha
ok je for melaka! bila??? dah excited ni. We wing it, whining pun whininglah - tengok2 aku yg paling kuat whining entah2..hehehehe, bila lagi nak diva if not on holiday? When ur free for melaka trip? masa november tu ya?
Jom jom! Aku tgh Google hotels in Melaka. Aku nak resort facility tapi nak budget rate.. muahahahahaha
kesian atok nenek kena buli dgn budak kecik...
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