Thursday, August 16, 2007

today is the BEST day of my so-called career

No, I did not land a major client for the firm. No, I did not just complete a multi-milion transaction. This morning I just felt like I wanted to be with my daughter and still get some work done and so for the first time in my working life, I was absolutely and guilt-freely able to do so. I was able to bring my daughter to work and while I typed away at the computer, I watched her happily play in my office with some toys and books I brought from home, munching on the sandwiches I made for us this morning and being entertained by our kid-friendly receptionist. And in between all that playing (for her) and some working (for me), we squeezed in hugs and giggles and a couple of songs. Right now, she's taking a nap on the sofa bed in my room. Bliss, bliss, bliss. Today has been (and is still) my best day ever as a lawyer!