Monday, December 21, 2009

The Grouch's List

I'm making a list of all the things that I hate about people. And since I am such an anti-social, my list will keep on getting longer..

To start off, these were the people I met over the weekend. People like these just increase my blood pressure. Sometimes I wonder whether it's just me that's bothered, coz they dont seem to get it when i give them a not-too-subtle glare, instead they give me a what-the-hell-are-you-looking-at glare back.

Well, here goes.

Can you believe these kind? There was these couple sitting in the booth opposite me at the Subang Parade Sushi King. They actually took the plates off the conveyor belt, put it on their table, open the lid, had a long conversation over the exposed sushi, no doubt spraying their DNA all over the food. Then they decided they did not want the sushi, and actually put it back on the conveyor!!! That was not the end of my trauma. They then spied something that they thought they wanted, took it off the belt, lifted the lid, and actually sniffed the thing, then put it back!!!! Eeewwwwww.... BOTH of them sniffed it! They actually put the food near their noses and expect it to be okay for others to consume the food after they did that!! And the girl had nostrils the size of Gua Niah!! Ewwwww.. Where do these people come from???

Okay, everyone can see that several years have passed and the princess has grown up. But everyone else in the cinema should not be subjected to this idiot's comments of "Dah besar dah dia...". And questions like, "Eh? Apa jadi? Kenapa jadi mcm tu?" I dont really mind kids making noise in movies, coz kids dont know better, but it's those adults who insists on giving a play-by-play commentary on what is happening on screen really ticks me off. Hubby nearly got into a fist fight with these kind of idiots several months back. And yesterday I encountered these type of idiots again when watching Princess and The Frog at Sunway Pyramid. I could have thrown my pop-corn at them when the wife was saying "Haa.. Lepas ni dia pulak jadi katak".. God!!! Bodoh nak mampus orang orang mcm ni!! These kind of idiots should just buy the pirated DVDs and watch it at home and comment to their hearts' content. Where do these people come from???

I am already paying so much for them to remove a tiny bit of hair from a small miniscule area. At the rate I was paying it probably came up to about RM1 per hair. So is it too much to ask from the girl who was waxing my eyebrows not too breathe on my face? Or at least wear a mask? I really dont fancy having to breathe someone else's carbon dioxide when their faces are too close to mine, unless they happen to be Brad Pitt. But otherwise, please wear face masks, or try to do whatever you're supposed to do without having your nose inches away from mine. And please for god sakes invest in some Listerine. Yes, that applies to all eyebrow waxers, hair salon workers, makeup people, doctors, dentists.

Okay, so that's my list for this Monday morning. I met these type of people in the course of only a weekend. So am I a grouch or not? Bah!