Friday, December 07, 2007

fun facts

What did we ever do before google? I've always been fascinated by the fact that lionesses hunt for the tribe and take care of all the cubs while the male lion sits there, roars a bit once in awhile and gets to eat first. It's a slow Friday so I did a bit of googling on the role of male lions in the tribe and found out way more than I wanted to:

"Male lions have spines on their penis that point backwards. The purpose of these spines is to cause slight (slight????? me not think backward pointing spines go together with the word "slight"!!!!) trauma to the female's vagina upon withdrawal of the penis. The resulting pain triggers ovulation. It may also help explain why the female turns and bares her teeth at the male at the end of mating."

Bloody hell. You learn something new everyday whether you want to or not.

Hmmmm....if the female lion bares her teeth at the end because of the pain from the spine thingy, then what the hell spines/thorns/swords? are on a praying mantis since he gets his head bitten off at the end of mating??? Back to the google we go......

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

more ramblings

Was in syariah court again just now. The case right before us happened to be a criminal sentencing - a couple of Malay guys caught gambling. Right before sentencing the judge asked them whether they had anything to say for themselves and like a classic drama Melayu, keluarlah segala cerita keluarga "Kalau saya dipenjarakan, apa nak jadi dengan tiga anak saya, isteri saya, saya kena tanggung ibubapa saya yang sakit, etc etc" It's the same line you read everytime in the papers, the same excuse used for leniency by someone who broke the law "I am the sole breadwinner for the family, I have so mane dependents blah blah blah" - it especially pisses me off when a rapist or worse an incestual rapist uses that excuse. Anyway, back to the court session just now, just as I was thinking in my head that "you sure didn't think of them when you were doing it" the judge said the exact same thing "Masa judi tu, tak pikir pasal anak, pasal mak sakit!" Right on Yang Arif.


I was watching a Malay drama the other day (yes, saddo makcik that I am) and realised that the one statement which truly reflects us Malaysians, with brutal honesty, is something one of the pakciks in the drama said, which was "Walaumacamana pun, kita minum dulu!"

That is the favourite tagline for our everyday life. Got a deadline? "Walaumacamana pun, kita minum dulu!" Ada orang datang merisik? "Walaumacamana pun, kita minum dulu!" Have to report for duty at 8.30 am? "Walaumacamana pun, kita minum dulu!"

I quite like it actually. It's a simple answer to life's problems rather than the unnaturally-optimistic-sounds-like-it-came-from-a-politician's-mouth tagline of "Malaysia boleh!"