Friday, May 08, 2009

hectic week

The long Labour Day weekend passed by so quickly, tak terasa pun cuti lama.

1 May 2009 - met up with sis in law Yanie at Petaling Street to look for things for our new syok sendiri business. Macam jakun driving in that part of the world again. That used to be THE hang out place masa zaman before KLCC and Sogo baru nak naik...damn, i'm old. Central Market, Kota Raya, tempat2 rendevous for outing with friends or for dates. I used to take the bus everywhere and especially around that area, Bus Stand Klang or sebelah CM back when bas mini still ruled the streets of KL..deja vu.

2 May 2009 - was in Bangi the whole day dengan panasnya and humidity and having to wear proper baju kurung - nephew's wedding and we were part of the wedding party to sambut orang (ok, that was the theory lah, i ended up melepek most of the time in the air conditioned VIP room until it was time for Amani to be the flower girl). Sitting around doing nothing turned out to be quite exhausting, fell asleep almost immediately when we got back home.

3 May 2009 - aku pulak yang kawin yesterday, penat sangat ke? I blame it on the heat.

6pm - Shocking news. My beloved aunt passed away suddenly of a heart attack. Rushed to Kuala Kubu. Cannot believe she's gone. Such a strong woman. Life dealt her so many blows: she buried 2 children, cared for her invalid husband, cared for her now sole surviving child who got hit by a lorry and yet she always remained cheerful. Her house is the house I feel most welcome and at home in especially during raya. I cannot believe I won't be seeing her again.

4 May 2009 - Went to Kuala Kubu again to be with my cousin who is still in a state of shock at losing her mother, her best friend so suddenly. Words are useless so I just hung around in the kitchen with her and helped her make chicken soup for her father. When I had to leave, my late aunt's 4 year old grandaughter was showing my 3 year old daughter photos of her late grandmother. I looked up at my cousin and saw she was about to cry again. I cannot imagine what it must be like for her to wake up in the morning now and having to realise again and again that her beloved mother is gone.

5 May 2009 - Drove to work in the morning. Car in front suddenly braked. I pressed my brake pad like mad, felt like my foot was going to burst through the car floor, managed to stop in time when there was a loud BANG! What the hell? Turned out the car behind me had crashed into me. Thank God I drive a car with a sturdy boot. Thank God my daughter rides in a car seat. Thank God he hit mainly the right side of the back of my car and not my daughter's side. Felt shaky, drove like a grandma afterwards to the police station at Jalan Bandar to do the tedious reports etc - saw as I passed by Petaling Street that one of the shops that Yanie and I had wanted to go to on 1 May but which had been closed on that day was now open. Glanced at my husband who was sweating with me at the police station and thought I might be pressing my luck if I suggested we do a little shopping spree instead of getting the whole police report car fixing sorted out quickly.

6 May 2009 - Avalance of overdue work waiting for me at the office. Woopee! Stack of bills to sort out, receipts and accounts to tidy up. Suddenly realised that income tax advance installment was due at the end of this month. Ah, the joys of self employment. Wanted to bury head in sand but couldn't, too many urgent things to be done. Went down and had nasi lemak first and felt much better equipped to handle and sieve through gazillion emails. Ok lying, not even a hundred emails but really did not want to start work but since am own boss, told myself to get on with it. Damn, my boss is a bitch.