Ctrl Alt Del
The personal computer, especially coupled with the internet, has made our lives a whole lot easier. Things are done much faster, and information is available at a mouse click, and we no longer have to get off our lazy asses to get many things done.
So much so, I wish sometimes there are computer commands that I can apply in life..
- Ctrl C, Ctrl V: For all the repetitive mundane tasks that I have to do day in day out (read: housework for this newly maidless pemalas mom), I wish I could just Ctrl C from yesterday all the tasks that I did and Ctrl V it to today
- Ctrl F: If I had a dollar for every time I misplaced by keys, phone, wallet, cards. If only I could just Ctrl F it and walla! suddenly find the keys snugly in the mysterious corner in my handbag where everything just disappears.
- F1: For all the times my kids came home with a school project that needs me to build a sub-atomic nuclear fusion rocket launcher (or what feels like that!), wish I can F1 it and get it done for them. Of course, my alternative would be just to call my Mom (if the question is domestic related - recipes, jahit butang, mana nak beli serai) or my Dad (if the problem is DIY related - OMG my pipe burst, oh no mana nak beli gam gajah, shit my hammer hilang) or my brother (a.k.a. my more reliable version of AAM as well as Garmin) or my hubby (for everything else, incl cockroaches, hantu, orang gaduh sebelah rumah, monster in the kitchen, duit habis, beras habis)
- Ctrl S: How about those times when kids / colleagues / hubby make promises to you one day, then the very next day vehemently denied them? Wish I could Ctrl S all those and play it to them over and over again. Of course, that could also backfire when kids / colleagues / hubby use it against me..
- Esc: This would be for those times that I suddenly realized I am about to do something I would really regret. Can just imagine myself at the very top of that humongous roller coaster, praying Esc! Esc! Esc!
- Backspace: To take back all the stupid things I've said that have hurt or misled all those that I care and love. And also to take back stupid resolutions that I can never seem to keep
- Ctrl Z: An extension of the backspace, Ctrl Z will also cover stupid deeds I have done that I wish I have not. If only I could Ctrl Z half my life, hmmm... I suppose then the other half would be less interesting.. but nevertheless, Ctrl Z would have allowed me to get out from some sticky situations
- Ctrl Alt Del: And if all else fails, wouldnt it be nice to just Ctrl Alt Del your life and start over from the last restore point? ...