fear vs unknown pleasure
I am having a lazy day (as if that's any different from every single blinking day here in the office). It's 5 minutes to 12pm..so by default, it's already lunchtime..I don't know why I'm even bothering to justify this to myself, the fact that actually I'm supposedly blogging during my almost-break time.
ANYWAY, what I'm thinking about right now is vibrators. If I can't be brutally honest here in blogworld, then where else right? So......why does no one, including my friends (except you of course lulu) talk about vibrators? I honestly have never owned or used one and I'm 31 years old. And I don't personally know or rather have not been informed by anyone who actually owns one. But I'm curious about it...though maybe not curious enough to try one. Call me chicken shit but I'm terrified of having electricity (albeit hardly 1.5 volts or whatever volts are contained in an AA batteries - I nearly failed my Physics in school but I'm blaming that on the fact that my teacher was having an affair with one of my classmates, she (the teacher) ended up marrying him (my classmate) ten years later) near my nether regions...I don't know why.....ok, yes I do..it's not the fear of being electrocuted. It's the fear of being electrocuted AND being found or having to go to the hospital with a vibrator stuck up my you-know-what then having to face the nurses and the doctors and having it in my charts "Patient has foreign electronic object lodged between...." you get the picture. But I read other honest women's blogs and I watch SATC so I know about THE rabbit etc and the pleasures, oh the many many pleasures it can give...but still..I can't get over my vibro-public humiliation-phobia...so sadly, such pleasures may never be mine.....