why am i so weak
omigod i am so bloody weak.
but before i go into that, i had such a lovely yummy lunch with my best friend just now...just heavenly...happiness, thy name is all-you-can-eat-sushi. thanks lulu for driving all the way here and not getting lost!
back to my coward ass. Told my boss this morning that i wanted to leave. it wasn't the work, it wasn't the pay - i'm quite happy with the pay, i have simple needs and it was more than enough to cover the house and for savings. i just wanted to spend time watching my daughter grow up. my boss asked me to stay at least until after bonus is paid out, which is a reasonable request even though my entire heart cried out, 'but i want to be with my baby nooooow'. but i managed to squeak out 'i'll think about it' which is the closest i can get to not caving in.
so i stuffed my face during lunch, i was so freaking happy, my intentions to leave were out in the open, i felt free, my belly was full, my head a bit heavy, but it was all gooooood....i settled down to go through my emails.
my boss calls me in. they are prepared to negotiate terms. i was all prepared to karate the offers of more payment. but instead what she offers is my achilles heel...they are offering me more time...aaargh.....my will is getting weak at the tempting thought of this offer to work part time...either only mornings 5 days a week or only coming in 3 times a week...i counter back - how could this really work in practice, what if meetings had to be scheduled in the afternoons or on my off days....boss counter counter argues, then if it's unworkable, you can always then leave, at least try it out....aaaarghhh..how can i argue against such a reasonable sounding proposal....i squeak out again 'i'll think about it' AAAAARRRRGGHHH!! i am such a chicken shit!!! i am snot! i am weak! why oh why am i so weak???